
Other names MKC-231, BCI-540


Coluracetam is used by some people to improve working memory and mood. But is it effective? Read on to find out what the strongest science available says.

This nootropic has no healthy human placebo-controlled studies that meet our inclusion criteria. Negative side effects can occur if used carelessly, so make sure you’re aware of the risks of Coluracetam.


Read about the effects of Coluracetam in relation to the amount of evidence we've found

Can coluracetam improve your memory?

Coluracetam has never been studied in healthy humans.

It has been studied in diseased people, but none of these studies have been published. Likely due to safety issues or lack of effectiveness, the reason for not publishing the studies is unknown.

Animal studies on coluracetam suggest that it can reverse memory deficits induced by other drugs. [1]

Can coluracetam help you learn better?

The effects of coluracetam on learning have never been studied in healthy humans.

In one animal study, coluracetam improved learning performance when rats were given the drug 8 days in a row. [2] The rats had been given a drug that impaired their cognitive performance before they were given coluracetam. Interestingly, the rats that had been given coluracetam had long-lasting procognitive effects (learning improvements) several days after the final dose.

There's a need for more data on the efficacy of coluracetam, especially in healthy humans. Until more data is available, no evidence-based answers can be given with confidence to the question of whether coluracetam can help you learn better.

You can read anecdotal reports from people who have used coluracetam in the frequently asked questions section below.


The legality and side effects of Coluracetam


Frequently asked questions about Coluracetam


Studies conducted on the effects of Coluracetam in healthy humans

Last updated Saturday, June 10, 2023