
Other names DM-9384


Nefiracetam is used by some to improve mood, memory, and focus. But how science-backed is it really? Read on to find out.

This nootropic has no healthy human placebo-controlled studies that meet our inclusion criteria. Negative side effects can occur if used carelessly, so make sure you’re aware of the risks of Nefiracetam.


Read about the effects of Nefiracetam in relation to the amount of evidence we've found

Can nefiracetam enhance your memory and cognitive performance?

No published studies have examined the effects of nefiracetam in healthy humans.

In an unpublished study that has been referred to in other texts in the scientific literature, the following was found:

"Psychomotor performance in 6 healthy male volunteers was not significantly affected by nefiracetam 600mg daily for 1 week." [1]

There have been some studies in people with various forms of cognitive disorders, but none of them have been published in English [2].

There's some animal evidence that nefiracetam can protect learning:

"In aged rabbits, nefiracetam 10 mg/kg facilitated acquisition of eye blink classical conditioning." [3]

It also protected rats and other animals from several forms of chemically induced memory impairment [4].

It should be kept in mind that these benefits were noted in animal studies. Animals are in many ways different than humans in how they respond to substances. The animals also had heavily impaired cognitive performance heavily. Cognitive performance was preserved, not enhanced.

To conclude, there is some evidence of beneficial effects from nefiracetam on certain cognitive functions, but this evidence is of very low quality and much better data is needed before any practically useful takeaways for healthy humans can be extracted.

Can nefiracetam improve your mood?

No published studies have examined the effects of nefiracetam in healthy humans.

In one study [5] that examined the effects of nefiracetam in patients with poststroke depression the drug reduced apathy but not depression in a dose-dependent manner.

Apathy is a lack of feeling, interest, or emotion, so a rough inversion of the term could be motivation. A lack of motivation, or apathy, are both common symptoms of depression.

Another study found that only the largest dose (900mg, but not 600mg) was effective for only the most depressed post-stroke patients [6].

So could nefiracetam boost your mood? Considering that there's no evidence in healthy humans, it is impossible to say. But if one wants to go to less reliable sources of data and make conclusions based on studies in diseased people, that evidence says no. It may have beneficial effects for some aspects of a person's mood (apathy, specifically), and in very specific populations of people (people with severe mood issues, specifically). However, the closer the mood disturbance severity is to a healthy person, the less of an effect does nefiracetam appear to exert. Nefiracetam is likely not an effective mood enhancer for healthy people, but there is a need for more data before it can be definitively concluded.

To see anecdotal reports from people who have used nefiracetam, see the FAQ section below.


The legality and side effects of Nefiracetam


Frequently asked questions about Nefiracetam


Studies conducted on the effects of Nefiracetam in healthy humans

Last updated Saturday, June 10, 2023