List Sorting Working Memory Test

What it measures

List Sorting Working Memory Test measures working memory

Outcome measures

List Sorting Working Memory Test

An increase in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement. Higher scores are better.

How it measures

"A series of stimuli is presented on the computer screen visually (object) and orally (spoken name), 1 at a time. Participants are instructed to repeat the stimuli to the examiner in order of size, from smallest to largest. In 1 condition, all stimuli come from 1 category. In the second, stimuli are presented from 2 categories, following which the participant must report first all stimuli from 1 category, then from the other, in order of size within each. The number of items in each series increases from one trial to the next and the test is discontinued when 2 trials of the same length are failed." [1]