Choice Reaction Test

Choice Reaction Time, Choice Reaction Task, Arrow Reaction Time Test

What it measures

Choice Reaction Test measures speed and accuracy of responses to digital stimuli

Outcome measures


An increase in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement. Higher scores are better.

Number of Correct Responses

An increase in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement. Higher scores are better.


A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Number of Incorrect Responses

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Arrows Reaction Time

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Arrows Errors (%)

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

How it measures

The word "Yes" or the word "No" appears on a screen, after which the test user should press the corresponding button as quickly as possible. The next yes/no appears between 1s and 3.5s after the last correct or incorrect click [1]. Arrows have also been used instead of yes/no options for choice reaction tests [2] [3]