Vienna System Reaction Unit

What it measures

Vienna System Reaction Unit measures reaction time and simple decision-making

Outcome measures

Median Reaction Time

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Median Decision Time

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Median Motor Time

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Wrong Decision

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

Right Reaction

An increase in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement. Higher scores are better.

Incomplete Reaction

A decrease in score on this outcome should be interpreted as an improvement.

How it measures

"This test is designed to determine the reaction time in response to a visual stimulus. The subject places his or her hand on the rest button and is required to push it immediately whenever he or she detects a visual stimulus." [1]